%0 Journal Article %A MUQOWIM, . %D 2007 %F digilib:7902 %J Kaunia Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol.III No.1 April 2007 %K tradisi astronomi, Islam, genealogi intelektual %T JARINGAN KEILMUAN ASTRONOMI DALAM ISLAM PADA ERA KLASIK %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/7902/ %X This asticle tries to discuss the intellectual genealogy of astronomical tradition in Islam, in particular in the classical Islam era. It is related to the development of this discipline before Islam, during Islamic civilisation reached the peak, and after the destruction of Baghdad by Hulagu Khan from Mongol. By employing an historical analysis, this article concludes that astronomy is one of the earliest disciplines developed by moslem scientists beside mathematics. For, moslem astronomists enhanced this discipline due to two motives, i.e. scientifically and practically. The former is to observe the heavenly bodies in the context of science, meanwhile the latter is to apply Islamic teaching in that of the direction of qiblah, the time of prayer and fasting. The development of astronomy in Islam was inspired by Qur'anic teachings and previous traditions for example from Greek, They inspired to other astronomists in the later period like Copernicus.