%A - NANIK DWI HARIYANI %J Al-Arabiyah Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 2 No 2 januari 2006 %T PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB BERBASIS PORTOFOLIO %X Porto/olio based learning is a model of changing in learning strategy, a kind of learning innovation designed to aid student to understand theories deeply through learning experience empirically. This model of learning can be educational program that supports student in competency, self responsibility, participation, learning to evaluate, and taking a part in activities among students, schools, and members of society. In fact, portofolio based learning is relevant to Arabic curriculum in the frame of competency based education in madrasah. The two models, portofolio based learning and Arabic curriculum in madrasah, have similarity in achieving active learning within three aspects of mental faculties: cognition, affection, and psychomotor. %D 2006 %K Pembelajaran, Bahasa Arab, Portofolio, Relevansi. %L digilib7959