%0 Journal Article %A ABDUL MUNIP, - %D 2006 %F digilib:7981 %J Al-Arabiyah Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 3 No 1 Juli 2006 %K Terjemahan, Periode, Naskah, dan Bahasa Melayu %T PENERJEMAHAN BUKU BERBAHASA ARAB DI INDONESIA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/7981/ %X The Islamic intellectuall tradition in Indonesia could not be detached from the Middle Eastern tradition as the center of Islamic intelellectualism. Many of Indonesian muslim were active transmitters who transmitted Islamic knowledge from Midlle East to Indonesian archipelago. They have given valued contributions in developing Islamic knowledge in Indonesia for a long time. Now, the knowledge transmission from the Middle East knowledge is continuing in various paths, one of them is the translation of Arabic books to Indonesian and various local languages. This writing tries to describe how the translation phenomena as one of paths of knowledge transmission. By historical perspective, the writer finds that there are some continuities and changes in history of translation of Arabic books in Indonesia. Periodically, the history of translation of Arabic books in Indonesia can be staged in to four periods; pionerry prioods, growing periods, acceleration periods and liberation periods.