@article{digilib7989, month = {July}, title = {MENUMBUHKAN MINAT BELAJAR BAHASA ARAB}, author = {- MANSUR }, year = {2004}, journal = {Al-'Arabiyah Vol.1, No.1, Juli 2004}, keywords = {aptitude, student, teaching-learning process}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/7989/}, abstract = {Aptitude is the inner drive of every student to act or not to act. Aptitude is a machine that will generate every student. Aptitude is not born characteristic. It is the result of interconnection between student and his environment or acquired stimulant. It is so significant in teachinglearning process that teachers have to develop aptitude of every student. Besides, teaching-learning method is also important to be paid attention by the teachers. Bolh aptitude and method are prerequisites for the success of teaching-learning process, including teaching-learning Arabic.} }