@article{digilib8147, volume = {Vol. I}, number = {No. 1}, month = {December}, author = {AHMAD MA'RUF}, title = {ARTIPENTING EVALUASI DAN MONITORING PADA PROGRAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT}, publisher = {Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, journal = {APLIKASIA}, year = {2000}, keywords = {monitoring, pemberdayaan masyarakat}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8147/}, abstract = {The contrivation society program which is being done in luster is evaluated succeeded and can be continued or may be has to be stopped is based on the estimation through some activity that is called evaluation monitoring (abbreviated as evamon). Many people suppose that evamon is an activity cut off which is done in the end of the activity. The opinion like that needs to be straight. In a program, including the contrivation society program, the evamon process being subsystem that is sticky attached from every processes cut off. Since the planning program, implementation and post-implementation it self. The evaluation in the planning stage is focused in the process of the need assessment program, that is to find out whether the need assesessment program, that is to find out whether the program is existed because of the society need or just the want or the importance from the executor side of the program. The contrivation program that put aside the important mean of the need assessment will cause society just as object while the real need that is really felt isn't fulfilled. The evamont process in this stage is done in the experiment need process that has to be done participatively and through some try out. In the implementation stage program, in order to keep the activity that has been done in the right frame program, so evamon must be done parallel and periodie way. This if there is happened an activity deviation from the target that has been planned there will be a fixing program soon. Beside that evamon in this stage is functioned as guide, job measurement and executor accelerator. Post implementation program, evamon will evaluate entirely and all the aspek that has been done. Beside administration and monetery aspects, evamon in this stage mainly to measure the benefit and the effect of the program to the publik of target and the executor institution. From here will be made recommendation whether the program is proper to be continued or has to be stopped or may be modificated in other form of the program. There are many method that can be used to do the evamon, one of it's the Development Method (DLA) that is being trend and actual now done either by the environs Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (NGO) or by the academics. This method in the principally is in the PRA development that specifically keeping eye on the performance of the object and subject of the program in all the stages, since the target preparation until the post - implementation program the most important thing in evamon either using the DLA method or other method is poling product from every stages of evamon is done participatively, not only done by the executor of the program but also by the target of the program (that is the society).} }