@article{digilib8151, volume = {Vol I}, number = {No. 1}, month = {December}, author = {- BUDISETYAGRAHA}, title = {DAKWAH ISLAM DI KALANGAN ETNIS TIONGHOA UNTUK MENGOKOHKAN INTEGRASI BANGSA}, publisher = {Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, journal = {Aplikasia}, year = {2000}, keywords = {tionghoa, dakwah, antar etnis}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8151/}, abstract = {Even though the Tionghoa etnic is centuried living in Indonesia but still viewed cann't able to integrate with Indonesian life and cultural, so that there are visible the exist of the gap in the form of the life of the Indonesian citizen Tionghoa descendant with other citizens. Because of all the same moslems are brother, so with the embraced of Islam (the religion that's been embraced by the majority of the Indonesian citizens) the gap or partitions between the Tionghoa etnic with other Indonesian citizens or between "Pri and non Pri" getting blur or disappear. To be Islamed in a good way, there are some factors which are been the problem that are faced by Tionghoa peoples, they are the psychology factor, the sociology factor, the physical factor and the economic factor. Dakwah by PITI is done by expanding and deepen about Islam to Tionghoa peoples who has been moslem and also guiding the doing of the abligation in Islam and helping the attempts for the general prosperity too.} }