@article{digilib8155, volume = {Vol I}, number = {No. 1}, month = {December}, author = {- SABARUDIN }, title = {PEMBINAAN MENTAL AGAMA ANAK-ANAK MUSLIM LEMBAH SUNGAI CODE}, journal = {Aplikasia}, pages = {44--61}, year = {2000}, keywords = {sungai code, kalicode, pembinaan agama}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8155/}, abstract = {The character of religion to children grow following the pattern of ideas concept on authority. Automatically the relligion concept in themselves much more affected by some factors from the outside of themselves. Because of that the construction of the religion mentality to children have to give continously so in the future they will become piety persons. The life of the children around Sungai Code valley that is in the Jetisharjo district (around SDN Jetis II) is one of the sample of the reality religion children condition that impressed by lacking of enough serious touch. Because of that the construction of the religion mentality is done in that location by some volunteer with the morale and material aids from Pusat Pengabdinn IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.} }