@article{digilib8157, volume = {Vol I}, number = {No 1}, month = {December}, author = {MUHAMMAD YUSUF}, title = {UPAYA INTERNALISASI NILAI-NILAI AGAMA "MIMBAR" DALAM MEMFILTERI DAMPAK MODERNISASI DI PANDEYAN, UMBULHARJO, YOGYAKARTA}, journal = {Aplikasia}, pages = {28--43}, year = {2000}, keywords = {mimbar, yogyakarta}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8157/}, abstract = {Modernity that signed by science and technology progress can give some effects-cither positive or negative to human life. In this case they can use the positive side of the progess to increase their prosperity of life. While the negative side of the progress has to be tried to be prevented. Relating to that the scientists try to overcome it, based on its each discipline try to defend the social values, cultur and religion to reach the humen balance of life. Even the religious persons prevent the negative values so hard meant by planting the religion values method. To Islam, modernity shouldn't cause human being evade from God or having the psycology ambiguity. From that Islam through its moral mesage still try consistently so modernity gives benefit to human beings life. In here the religion functionalisation keep on being done to give positive contribution by way of controlling the quality of belief and the taqwa (always doing what Allah's commands and evading everything his prohibition) of human beings. This is being tried from the internalisation of the religion values by the MIMBAR (Muda-Mudi Masjid Baiturrahman) organisation to refine the effects.} }