%A MARDJOKO IDRIS %J Aplikasia %T PEMBINAAN KEHIDUPAN BERAGAMA DIKELURAHAN TEGALPANGGUNG, KECAMATAN DANUREJAN, KOTA YOGYAKARTA %X When Islam people occupy the majority position or even if it is in minority position, the urgent problem that has continually to consider and to resolve is the reconstruction of human's life, which is not limited in religiousness surface only. Therefore, the essence of the public service constitutes an institusionalised implementation of knowledge and science by tertiary educational institution through its direct method to the required people. The people at RW 07 Tegalpanggung are the community requiring assistance touch, either in religion or economic life, in human resources or in physical development. Yet the extension in religiousness area at this region seems need to make it into major priority, although in following stages, another fields need to be touched too. This studi tries to describe the action study perfomed on RW 07 Tegalpanggung, Danurejan, Yogyakarta, to rebuild the religiousness life of Muslims of that region. %N No. 2 %K pembinaan agama, bina desa %V Vol II %D 2001 %L digilib8160