%A - CASMINI %J Aplikasia %T PERNIKAHAN DINI (PERSPEKTIF PSIKOLOGI DAN AGAMA) %X Early Marriage is an agreement between man and women in order to build a family which there are no physiological and psychological readiness. Based on Islam perspective early marriage, from the parent inisiative, can be done, because there are no rules from Qur'an and Hadis that forbid (someone to get married), nevertheless based on the maslakhah mursalah, early marriage is forbidden. From the point of view of psychology, "happy marriage" is on the rule of age 20 - 25. So it can be say that married of the college students do not include in the early marriage. Bassically, the age can influence the marriage, but emotional factor, that is mentally readiness will be more influence in building the sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah family. Thus, early marriage is not only sexual satisfaction oriented, but the aim of marriage is on entity that should concentrated on the entire responsibility. %N 1 %K pernikahan dini, pisikologi %P 45-57 %V III %D 2002 %L digilib8168