%0 Journal Article %A BUNYAMIN, Bachrum %D 2002 %F digilib:8169 %I Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya UIN Sunan Kalijaga %J Aplikasia %K peta agama, kehidupan beragama %N No. 1 %T PETA KEHIDUPAN BERAGAMA UMAT ISLAM DIKABUPATEN KULONPROGO %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8169/ %V Vol. 3 %X The picture of religious life of the muslims in Kulonprogo shows some interesting phenomena; first, the process of improving the ummah's religious practices, as the follow up of Islamization conducted since the beginning of Islam arrival in the area, isn't fulfiled yet. It has, therefore, to be intensified since the muslims majority in the district area always induced by other religion's expansion. Second, although the quantity of the ummah, mosques, and Islamic educations is higher than that of other religions, the quality is still relatively low. Fact prove it, i.e. (1) the ummah do not functionate their mosques and educational institutions properly, and (2) there are traditions and culture with Islamic nuances that actually reflect syncretism of Islamic values and local 0avanese) cultures rooted from other religious faiths before Islam. Third, eventhough local (Javanese) value are capable of attenuating intension both among the muslims and among interreligion believers, it does not mean that the muslims should do nothing, without anticipating other religious' activities in inducing muslims to convert to their religions.