@article{digilib8171, volume = {III}, number = {2}, month = {December}, author = {- KHADIQ}, title = {SHALAT JUM'AT SEBAGAI "AGEN PERUBAHAN" DALAM MASYARAKAT}, journal = {Aplikasia}, pages = {119--137}, year = {2002}, keywords = {shalat jum'at, perubahan}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8171/}, abstract = {Shalat Jum'at (Friday Prayer) is a weekly compulsory prayer for male moslems. Indeed, most male moslems practise this specific prayer although they are not used to practising daily prayer (five compulsory prayer), especially for those in villages. For them, it is because shalat Jum'at is considered not only as a ritual activity but also as social one. Actually, shalat Jum'at can be used as a representation of moslem's taqwa (obedience to Allah) as well as a social interaction (rukun in Javanese). Furthermore, Khutbah Jum'at (Friday Sermon)- must be attended before doing the shalat - can improve moslem's taqwa. Therefore, shalat Jum'at with its khutbah can be understood as 'an agent of change' for the moslem community. Khatib (preacher of Friday Sermon and imam of the shalat) takes this responsibility by managing the way of his sermon and its content in order to improve social, economic, and political lif e of the ummah. Still, the question is how can shalat Jum'at improve human life?} }