@phdthesis{digilib8179, month = {August}, title = {PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH AIR CUCIAN BERAS SEBAGAI SUBSTRAT PEMBUATAN NATA DE LERI DENGAN PENAMBAHAN KADAR GULA PASIR DAN STARTER BERBEDA }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 07640036 RAHMAD HIDAYATULLAH}, year = {2012}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8179/}, abstract = {The leri (javanesse) or the rice washing water known has a high level contain of nutrient such as carbohydrate, proteins, and vitamins. Hence it can be used as substrate to produce Nata de Leri. the aimed of this research was to investigate the effect of addition some sugar and A. xylinum starter on physical and chemical characteristics of nata. The thickness and weight of nata were determined as physical properties. The cemical properties such as fiber and total sugar level were analysed base on Sudarmadji method. The A. xylinum starter (v/v) and sugar (w/v) concenteration employed in the experiment were 5\%, 10\%, 15\% and 10\%, 15\%, 20\% respectly. The result showed that a good physical and chemical properties of nata could be produced by administering 10\% and 15\% concentration of sugar and 15\% of A. xylinum starter. The produced with the above treatment had a good total weight of 120.50 g and 120.90 g, thickness of 9.44 mm and 10.00, total sugar of 0.87\% and 0.67\%, and crude fiber 1.98\% and 2.71\%. Based on hedinic test to 20 respondents, it can be concluded that 100\% of them showed a preference to Nata de Leri. Keywords: Rice washing water, Acetobacter xylinum, sugar, nata. } }