@article{digilib8195, month = {June}, title = {PEMBENAHAN TATA CARA SHALAT BAGI JAMAAHWANITA}, author = {- HJ. AFIYAH AS. }, year = {2003}, journal = {Aplikasia Vol IV, No 1 Juni 2003}, keywords = {tata cara shalat, wanita}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8195/}, abstract = {Salat is a very urgent thing in the life of human beings. It, even, has two sides of usefulness, that is the social and transcendental life. The role of salat is so important that one of Hadis states "that salat is the pillar of Islam; whoever doesn't perform it means destroying it". This writing is the depiction from the research result about refining how to perform salat in the mosque of Al-Manar Jerogentong Banguntapan Bantul. Through the action research, it was found that it proved that many woman prayers (jamaat), especially in Al-Manar, were still in the lack of know-how knowledge of salat so that this resulted in the practice and activities of salat. With the action research, the women prayers (jamaat) found sa/at-know-how enlightenment so that the salat activities got better, in line with the proper guidance. It, however, was recognized that to refine spelling and pronouncing salat readings was not easier that to correct salat activities} }