%0 Journal Article %A A. MIF TAH BAIDLOWI, - %D 2003 %F digilib:8196 %J Aplikasia Vol IV, No 1 Juni 2003 %K kesejahteraan masyarakat, potensi %T POTENSI BAZIS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN MASYARAKAT DIKABUPATEN SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8196/ %X This research pays particular attention to the following problems: (1) how great is the potency of zakat, infaq and shadaqah which are managed by the BAZIS in the effort to improve the welfare of the society in Sleman Regency?; (2) why do the activities of the BAZIS in Sleman Regency seem to be less socialized?; (3) what are the barriers encountered by the BAZIS in Sleman Regency in its operation? This research was conducted to know: (1) whether or not the work steps done by the BAZIS have been in accordance with the determined procedure and rules; (2) the contribution of zakat, infaq and shadaqah to improve the welfare of the society, especially the weak and the poor; (3) the barriers encountered by the BAZIS in Sleman Regency, which cause its performance seem to be not optimal as expected. This research was conducted in Sleman Regency Yogyakarta and took samples from the three parts of the Regency: the east (represented by Kalasan subdistrict), the central (represented by Mlati subdistrict) and the west (represented by Godean subdistrict). The subjects of this research consisted of the organizers of the BAZIS of Sleman Regency, Head of the Regency Office for Religious Affairs, Head of the Bureau of District Income (Bapeda), Head of Subdistrict Office for Religious Affairs (KUA), Head of the Village and Head for Welfare Affairs of all villages being sample for this research. The other respondents are the organizers (ta'mir) of the mosque and society figures in the sample villages. This research is a descriptive-qualitative research and, therefore, the inductive method is used to analyses the data.The result of this research showed that (1) the work steps done by the BAZIS of Sleman Regency in collecting and distributing the zakat had been in line with the concept of the management of zakat, infaq and shadaqah determined by the Project Office for Zakat and Woof Building, the Ministry of Religious Affairs even though there are some weaknesses. (2) The BAZIS of Sleman Regency had not yet been widely known by the society because of the passive pattern of management and lack of publication. In addition, the organizers of the BAZIS made less cooperation with non-formal leaders such as the da'i, and most of the organizers were the bureaucrats who were busy in the government office. (3) The potency of zakat, infaq, and shadaqah in Sleman Regency was quite great and can be used to improve the welfare of the society.