%A - AHMAD ARIFI %J Aplikasia Vol IV, No 2 Desember 2003 %T AGAMA DALAM KEHIDUPAN PEMULUNG DITPS TAMBAKBOYO CONDONGCATUR DEPOKSLEMAN %X Religion is one of the human basic need. Everyone needs it all the time. As a role of God, religion (Islam) becomes way of life and spirit of human life, in particular for adherent of this religion. So, religion is embrassed and practiced by all stages of society without any exception. It must be practiced by a richman, poorman, people in high class and society in general. This work comes to explain and analyze some problems in life of Pemulung as a group of marginal society connected to their understand about value of religion like the problem of fatalism, free choice and fortune. Also connected to put into practice the religion in their daily life like sholat (pray). This writing focus on Pemulung in garbage disposal (TPS) Tambak Boyo Catur Tunggal Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta. %D 2003 %K agama, condong catur, pemulung %L digilib8199