relation: title: DAKWAH BUDAYA WALISONGO (Aplikasi Metode Dakwah Walisongo di Era Multikultural) creator: MUH FATKHAN , - subject: Aplikasia Jurnal description: The Nine Pious Leaders (Wall Songo) who spread Islam in Java on their exertions to islamize Javanese people is how to change old matters that unappropriate with Islam in the way of cultural approach. So Islam growing lastly in Nusantara especially in Java.Thus, in this modern era, Moslems face bigs callenges. That was because of grow many kind of gamblings up likes ; Togel, White coupon which entitles bearer to receive a prize, and do so an unomitted is the glowing of western culture what infected Moslems youth, likes, Porn VCD, and many kinds of western arts (as Indian Songs). In this case we really need spiritual therapy. Now the appropriate approach relevant to this case is prozelytizing religious uses cultural touch, in which KH.Ma'ruf Islamuddin did in together with his Tambourine group "Wali Songo". And in this case the culture approach as what is done by the nine pious Leaders (Wali Songo) who spread Islam in Java is very relevant to this age, because now we live in the multy Religion and multy culture. date: 2003-12-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: MUH FATKHAN , - (2003) DAKWAH BUDAYA WALISONGO (Aplikasi Metode Dakwah Walisongo di Era Multikultural). Aplikasia Vol IV, No 2 Desember 2003.