%A NIM. 09650026 MUHAMMAD SYAFRUDIN %T PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI ALUMNI DENGAN PENDEKATAN METODE AGILE DI UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %X During its development, computer technology is growing and continues to support human life, not least in education. Alumni information system is a model application of the results of the stakeholder interviews. The purpose of alumni information system development with agile methods this approach is to provide a means of personal communication between alumni and alma mater and with other alumni. Alumni relations at his alma mater so do not drop out because of the means of remote communication through the information system of alumni. System development methods used in this study is agile (Agile Software Development). Stages in agile does not have a coherent ranging from analysis, design, implementation, and testing and evaluation. But more focused on the needs of its stakeholders. With this agile method of a system can be built in a short time and were able to control the changes in the needs of the sudden development of a system. Application of alumni information system was created with web-based programming language PHP and Oracle as the database management system. Features provided in the form of alumni information system features news, features jobs, forums features, features of alumni information, features transcripts, diplomas features, features tracks alumnus (alumni of the search), legalized online service features. With this system is expected to provide a solution for alumni to keep up to date and continue a relationship with his alma mater well established. Keywords: Information systems, agile methods, track alumni, alumni, PHP, Oracle. %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib8206