%A NIM. 09730072 DRARA NOVIA DWI ASTRINI %T MANAJEMEN KAMPANYE PUBLIC RELATIONS DALAM MENGHADAPI ISU (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif kegiatan Factory Visit di PT. Djarum Kudus) %X To face the company issue, PT. Djarum held a factory visit activity. How’s the Campagne Management of Public Relations PT. Djarum to face the issue from the factory visit activity? Research purpose : to find out, how’s the factory visit of PT. Djarum Kudus to face the issue of the company, the process of the plan, the implementation, and the evaluation of that activity. Research Method: qualitative descriptive research. Implementation research: Corporate affairs PT. Djarum performs the stages of factory visit, they are planning, implementation, and evaluation. The process of factory visit was held due to the theory by Littlejohn “Corporate Campaign Theories and Issue Life-cycle Theory. Conclution: Corporate Affairs PT. Djarum (manage) the factory visit that they held as a one of their activity in public service. It was based by the purpose of the factory visit it self, it was to educated and gave an information to public and society about the operational company. Factory visit management was the strategic stage that corporate affairs PT. Djarum took to (faced) the issue. This is very effective because the number of the visitor growth up year by year and they could (faced) the issue that spread in society as a purpose of the company. KEYWORD: Public Relations, Management Campaign PR, Issue, Factory Visit %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib8242