@article{digilib8270, month = {December}, title = {GLOBALISASI DAN KEMISKINAN DESA}, author = {- ABDUR ROZAKI}, year = {2005}, journal = {Aplikasia VOL VI NO 2 DESEMBER 2005}, keywords = {kemiskinan, globalisasi}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8270/}, abstract = {Modernization that creates globalization, in one hand, shed a light of hope on various easiness. In other hand, however, it also marginalize the poor (both people and states) to be kept in their marginal position. Indonesia, which has struggled to escape from the monetary and economic crisis since the late of 1997, is finally entrapped in the deadly trap of the usurers of global capitalism. In this context Indonesia inevitably should accept the principles of free trade such as privatization, liberalization and deregulation in its politico-economy policies. That acceptance has resulted in the privatization of many stated-owned enterprises (BUMN, Badan Usaha Milik Negara), especially the enterprises engaged in strategic sectors such as telecommunication, water and oil. As the final result, various natural wealth, which ideally are used for the sake of public welfare, fall into foreign capitalists through their enterprises operating in Indonesia. This paper attempts to discover what the negative impact of globalization for rural community is. It also offers solutions on what should the rural community do in their struggle toward self-empowerment, including through the development of supra structural and infrastructural basis as well as community-based leadership accompanied by certain contracts.} }