%A - AZIZ MUSLIM %J Aplikasia VOL. V, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2004 %T MANAJEMEN PENGELOLAAN MASJID %X At the present time the Islamic people continuously try to build mosques. Then it appears the new mosques in various places, beside many renovations over the old ones. Spirit in trying to build of Allah's Houses is proper to make us proud. Almost in entire the homeland comers there is no place having no touch by the building of the mosques. Some of them are small and cute and some others are very big and glorious. Supports of the people in so many physical building of mosques are positive in average. Where the mosque is built, there are much participation of people in various ways to raise fund. Spirit and motivation of the people in the building and the fund raising are very much determined by any specific tricks of management in each mosque in eliciting and involving the people. So strong desire and very enthusiastic people in building the mosques, it should be balanced with the function use of the mosques in developing people. It seems that function of the mosque in developing people is not appropriate yet, especially in back countries, as the mosques at this time are merely functioned as mahdhoh of religious services and do not reach yet for social religious services and others. For the reason, it is very important for the management of the mosques to understand the management of the mosques well. %D 2004 %K Manajemen, Masjid, Layanan Sosial. %L digilib8309