%0 Journal Article %A SUDIN, - %D 2004 %F digilib:8310 %J Aplikasia VOL. V, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2004 %K Pengabdian, LPM, PTAI %T PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT BAGI PERGURUAN TINGGIAGAMA ISLAM %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8310/ %X Public services, which have been done so far conventionally and without a good plan, will not be used anymore. And, also relying on the language of religion as a symbol of public services is not enough because this will not make the society creative. The implementation of public services done by Islamic universities must have a specialty than other universities. Now, the activities must be focused not just on the traditional method which can not give the knowledge from the Islamic universities but from the experience of the persons. Then, a simultaneous effort between the Institution which manages the public services in universities with faculties which prepare good and reliable persons. Curriculum must be considered to receive global problems, such as : problem of refuge, religion conflict, environmental damage, natural disaster, and so on. Welcoming the changing name of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, which is a university now, then programs must tend to the global issues- even the local ones are still done.