%A - ANDEWI SUHARTINI %J Jurnal Hermeneia\Vol-2-No-1-2003 %T AGAMA DAN PROBLEM MAKNA HIDUP %X Essentially, the journey of human history is manifestation of sequence of his effort to find the self-essence and the meaning of life. There is not agreement reached about the meaning of life. In the reality, there are three categories which discussed this topic. The pessimist says that the life has not the meaning and goal, while the optimist who consist of communist and religionist says that the life has the meaning and goal However, they have not agreed in the source of meaning and goal of life. For the communist, source of meaning and goal of life is presented and found in the world. The meaning and goal of life experiences would not pass over the death moment. For the religionist, religion is the source meaning and goal of life itself This paper tries to set forth a main problem of human that is the meaning of life what essentially not only aware that their life has meaning and goal, but direct them to life with choosing the true meaning and goal, too. %D 2003 %K agama, makna hidup, manusia %L digilib8387