%A Abdul Mughits %J Hermeneia %T EPISTEMOLOGI ILMU EKONOMI ISLAM (KAJIAN ATAS PEMIKIRAN M. ABDUL MANNAN DALAM TEORI DAN PRAKTEK EKONOMI ISLAM) %X This paper departed from positivisms comentarary about Islamic Economics. As they said that is not necessary to develop the Islamic economics science because there has not been recent evidences, and they refused it as disclipline of science that is valid according to epistemology perspectif. Therefore this paper intends to revealing its epistemology framework, so be affirmed as disclipline of valid science. The formal object of this research is Abdul Mannan work, Teori dan Praktek Ekonomi Islam (Islamic Economics, Theori and Practice) by reason that work constitutes reference standard in Islamic Economics teaching recently. After disentangling its epistemology nets, so that can be concluded that essence of Islamic economics science is economic science that constructed upon Islamic values system. And its existence is acknowledged by Islamic economic principles practices that constituted sociology phenomenon in first generation of Muslim and recently has been disclipline science that's shine in Islamic academic discourse. And then its resources are the same as the resources in Islamic law that derived by scolars of Islam by methods those kown in Islamic law schools. The latest, in the framework of validity test for it uses the comprehensive epistemology. %N No. 2 %K Epistemologi, Ilmu, Ekonomi, Islam, Abdul Mannan %V Vol.2 %D 2003 %I Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib8395