@article{digilib8424, month = {January}, title = {PEMIKIRAN DAN GERAKAN SISTEM EKONOMI ISLAM DI INDONESIA}, author = {- SYAHBUDI }, year = {2003}, journal = {Jurnal Hermeneia{$\backslash$}Vol-2-No-2-2003}, keywords = {Sistem, Ekonomi Islam, Pedagang Muslim dan Commenda.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8424/}, abstract = {Around in early of 1990s, discussions concerning Islamic Economiy System (further referred as SEI) in Indonesia were intensely lustrous, such in seminar forums, workshops and even has extended to establishment of mu'amalatorientated departments in narrow sense i.e. Islamic economy (al-lqtishadiyyah). For not calling euphoria or "frustrated" over capitalist and socialist economic systems that currently exist, the examination on existance of SEJ by some experts still becomes the subject of debate. Some claim that Islam has it own SEI differs from capitalist and socialist economic systems, but others have a conversely opinion. In addition to how followers of Islam comprehend their syar'iyyah source (Islamic law) regarding economic matters, the approach to how Islam history itself to be examined, understood and implemented since Islam introduced in Indonesia may also conducted. This writing will describe the thought of SEI Indonesia by means of second approach with system that devided history into periods.} }