eprintid: 8429 rev_number: 16 eprint_status: archive userid: 8 dir: disk0/00/00/84/29 datestamp: 2013-07-01 09:28:58 lastmod: 2017-01-17 01:20:45 status_changed: 2013-07-01 09:28:58 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: MAHSUN FUAD , - title: IJTIHAD TA’LILI SEBAGAI METODE PENEMUAN HUKUM ISLAM (TELAAH DAN PERBANDINGANNYA DENGAN ANALOGI HUKUM POSITIF) ispublished: pub subjects: jur_hermen divisions: ejour full_text_status: public keywords: Ta’lili, Metode Penemuan Hukum Islam, Analogi. abstract: Ijtihad ta’lili (causation, qiyasi) is a methodological answers toward new case uncovered by nas. Many scholars recomandate it as first step has to be possed before using other approach (that includes in ijtihad bi al-ra’y category). Because, on principle, by illat analogizing, law produced by qiyas is equel with syara’ purpose. One of fundamental problem of qiyas concept, relates to criteria of which unmentioned by nas (al-maskut ‘anh), i.e. about status of dalalah an-nas (mafhūm muwāfaqah, dalālah al-dalālah, a fortiori argument), wheather it is qiyas or not? Beside that, juristic difference (ihtilaf) on illat determination has also implicated one thing that is concidered as illat, but in other hand is not. And also, in identifying attempt of any problem can solved by this method. These wholly indicated that the concept of qiyas is tied with or depend on istinbath system inclination of scholars, especially, in effort of nas aim interpretation. This article tries to explore ijtihad ta’lili as method of Islamic law discovery. Although there is still assumption of ijtihad ta’lili scope, including istih sān, sad ad-darī‘ah and also ‘urf, based on former formulation or basic epistem that relates to illat in the text an sich, this study just limits on qiyas exsplanation. Thus, qiyas in this context is regarded as ijtihad ta’lili manifestation. As enrichment, this concept will be compered with similar concept in positive law. date: 2004-01-01 publication: Jurnal Hermeneia\Vol-3-No-1-2004 refereed: TRUE citation: MAHSUN FUAD , - (2004) IJTIHAD TA’LILI SEBAGAI METODE PENEMUAN HUKUM ISLAM (TELAAH DAN PERBANDINGANNYA DENGAN ANALOGI HUKUM POSITIF). Jurnal Hermeneia\Vol-3-No-1-2004. document_url: https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8429/1/MAHSUN%20FUAD%20IJTIHAD%20TA%E2%80%99LILI%20SEBAGAI%20METODE%20PENEMUAN%20HUKUM%20ISLAM%20%28TELAAH%20DAN%20PERBANDINGANNYA%20DENGAN%20ANALOGI%20HUKUM%20POSITIF%29.pdf