@article{digilib8434, month = {January}, title = {RESPON PESANTREN TERHADAP PERUBAHAN SOSIO-POLITIK DI INDONESIA (1970-2000)}, author = {- AHMAD ALI RIYADI }, year = {2004}, journal = {Jurnal Hermeneia{$\backslash$}Vol-3-No-1-2004}, keywords = {Pesantren, Perubahan sosial politik, respon}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8434/}, abstract = {This paper aims to investigate pesantren respons to socio-cultural change as result of modernity. The pesantren, a part of social subculture as traditional instituion, does not escape it. Its existence will be always challenged by alteration as a necessity that change moral value experience. There are two problems investigated in this paper. Firstly, political polices government?s was pressure for pesantren in following them determined by development plan. Secondly, involvement of pesantren as traditional institution in developing rural community. Consequently, pesantren needed to carry out an internal renewal as impact of modernization. It demanded to not only be agent of Islamic doctrine development (tafaquh fiddin) but also be an actual player in social and cultural construction. At last, there were four reformations conducted by pesantren, that is, reformation of pesantren education, methodology, instutution, and social-economic function.} }