@article{digilib8461, month = {January}, title = {AL-SUNNAH SEBAGAI BAYAN AL-QUR?AN}, author = {- DAELAN M. DANURI}, year = {2005}, journal = {Jurnal Hermeneia{$\backslash$}Vol-4-No-1-2005}, keywords = {al-Qur?an, as-sunnah, bayan}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8461/}, abstract = {The Qur?an cannot be separated from the Muhammad?s Tradition, because the Qur?an needs the Muhammad?s Tradition. Its need of the Muhammad?s Tradition is need of its tafsil mujmal (elaboration of the general meaning), its ta`yin musytarak fih (determining a certain meaning of a statement having more than one meaning), its takhsis `am (determining a specific meaning of the general meaning), its taqyid mutlaq (limitation of the absolute mening) , its tawdih ma?na (explanation of the meaning), and its izalah isykal (elimination of the difficuties). In the context of the need, the function of explanation of the Muhammad?s tradition to the Qur?an becomes something that is absolutedly needed. The article describes the function of the Muhammad?s tradition as explanation of the Qur?an.} }