@article{digilib8463, month = {January}, title = {DILEMA HUKUM ISLAM ANTARA KEMUTLAKAN DAN KENISBIAN}, author = {- JAMAL ABDUL AZIZ}, year = {2005}, journal = {Jurnal Hermeneia{$\backslash$}Vol-4-No-1-2005}, keywords = {mutlak, nisbi, dikhotomi, ?iba{\ensuremath{>}}dat-mu?a{\ensuremath{>}}mala{\ensuremath{>}}t, qat\}?i{\ensuremath{>}}-z\}anni{\ensuremath{>}}, syariahfikih, dan ta?abbudi{\ensuremath{>}}-ta?aqquli{\ensuremath{>}}}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8463/}, abstract = {It is an undoubtedly fact that Islamic law basically has two different aspects with its opponent nature between them. It has absolute, sacred, and eternal aspects on one side; and relative, profane, and contextual aspects on the other side. The problem is how we can identify that a rule of Islamic law is absolute and eternal while the other one is relative and dynamic. In order to overcome this problem among the Islamic jurists offered several theories about sorting the body of Islamic law into two categories dichotomically. Those theories are ?iba{\ensuremath{>}}dat-mu?a{\ensuremath{>}}mala{\ensuremath{>}}t, qat\}?i{\ensuremath{>}}-z\}anni{\ensuremath{>}}, shari{\ensuremath{>}}?ah-fiqh, and ta?abbudi{\ensuremath{>}}-ta?aqquli{\ensuremath{>}} dichotomy. From the discussion about such theories, the author concludes that although those theories of dichotomy are very useful and helpful to understand the body of Islamic law with such opponent nature nevertheless it is still needed more efforts to do the dichotomy clear and applicable enough.} }