%0 Journal Article %A ISFANDIAR, - %D 2005 %F digilib:8466 %J Jurnal Hermeneia\Vol-4-No-1-2005 %K Masyarakat disjunktif, Kebudayaan kapitalisme, dan sosial politik. %T MEMBACA FENOMENA MASYARAKAT DISJUNKTIF KAJIAN SOSIAL-POLITIK DAN KONTRADIKSI KEBUDAYAAN KAPITALISME %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8466/ %X This Article explores social policies in term of the disjunctive community and its connection to human right and capitalism culture. The axial principles are found in the disjunctive community. They are economical relations, moral discourses, and cultural concepts. Those three principles can be analyzed from several regions, techno-economy, policy, and culture. Techno-economy becomes a region of global capitalism proliferation. Whereas second and third regions become breeding of appearance of human right sources. In the last passage of this writing, writer expresses several cases in Indonesian as examples of disjunctive community.