%0 Journal Article %@ 1412-8540 %A BUDIHARJO , - %D 2007 %F digilib:8501 %I Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %J Hermenia %K Kemiskinan, perspektif, tafsir tematik, al-Qur'an %N No.2 %P 279-308 %T KEMISKINAN DALAM PERSPEKTIFAL-QUR'AN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8501/ %V 6 %X The paper aims at indentifying the theme of poverty in the al- Qur'an and the way of how to overcome it. Trough thematical method, this study conveys some findings: Other than the term "poverty" and * misfcfn" in the Quran, there are some words such as; al-ba'sa', al-s&'il, al-dha^f, al-'&ilah, al-q&ni', al-mahrum, almu'tar, al-iml&q, al-faqlr, Al-ba'sa' means the poverty because of the war. Al-s&'il is the people who want a knowledge and ask like the property. Al-dha'if is the weak people who are caused by the soul, psysics, andthe situation in relation to it. Al-'6ilah is the poor people who need helping. Atq& ni' is the poor people, but they try to feel satisfied with whatever they get. Al-ma&rflm is the people who get the property in a lawful manner. Al-mv'tar is the poor people wbo want to visit other people for asking. Al-iml&q is the people who get less property than the ability what they have. Al-miskin is a term for the people who have permanent job, but they cannot meet their need. Al-faqiT is the people who don't have permanent job, but they cannot still fulfill their need. The poor people are the people who still has less property to fill their daily life. The ways to eliminate the poverty are by giving food, fidyah, government aid, heirs, ktfarat, and zakat. The government and the rich rnust be resposnsible for the poor people. This article talks abont the relationship of the poor, the poverty and ways of how to overcome the pverty.