relation: title: MENGGAGAS PESANTREN PLURALIS REKONSTRUKSI SISTEM PENDIDIKAN PESANTREN DALAM BINGKAI PLURALISME creator: MUHAMMADMUNTAHIBUN NAFIS , - subject: Hermeneia Jurnal description: Pesantren is one of the oldest systems of education in Indonesia, which exists until recent time. As a fittest system of indigenous institution, it shall have some fittest values by which it develops along with socio-cultural developments in entire time. However, it actually gets many obstacles to face snd respond to the very fast and massively social and cultural developments in the contemporary era. Even some institutions of pesantren are not ready to respond just to ethical impacts of socio-cultural developments, such as a global theology, plurality, multiculturalisra, etc. 201 This paper is just to elaborate how pesantren responds to the some ethical impact of the social developments, especially religious ethic for the global society. As a result, its most crucial problem in anticipating such new ethics is not related to its system of values but this mostly relates to its community's concern. As a matter of fact, it originally has the inclusive values besides the exclusive ones. Nevertheless, its inclusive values are merely not well developed. For instance, there is no interfaith dialogue, inter-religious networking, and multicultural curriculum in it. On the contrary, its exlusive values unconsciously get much concerned in it. Therefore, an exlusively religious attitude resulting truth-claim becomes a typical attitude of its community in a large. In this sense, whatever values its community and especially its holders choose to be developed, i. e. its inclusive or exclusive values, will destine its future. In short, it can actually be a place for developing a pluralist community if it develops its inclusive values inherited from its early era of development. date: 2007-01-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: other language: en identifier: format: other language: en identifier: format: other language: en identifier: format: other language: en identifier: format: other language: en identifier: format: other language: en identifier: format: other language: en identifier: format: other language: en identifier: identifier: MUHAMMADMUNTAHIBUN NAFIS , - (2007) MENGGAGAS PESANTREN PLURALIS REKONSTRUKSI SISTEM PENDIDIKAN PESANTREN DALAM BINGKAI PLURALISME. Jurnal Hermeneia\Vol-6 No-2-2007.