%A - LATHIFATULLZZAH EL MAHDI %J Jurnal Hermeneia\Vol-6-No-1-2007 %T HERMENEUTIKA-FENOMENOLOGI PAUL RICOEUR:DARI PEMBACAAN SIMBOL HINGGA PEMBACAAN TEKS-AKSI-SEJARAH %X Hermeneutics is technique about the exegete of texts, coming from a Greek verb of hermeneutique, meaning interprets. According to Ricoeur, hermeneutics is the theory about the operations of understanding in its connection with texts interpretation. The Ricoeur's hermeneutic is the result of synthesis from some ideas of philosophies and linguists, called by phenomenological hermeneutic. Through this phenomenological hermeneutic, he emerges the understandings method, called with the long route versus the short route (called as Heidegger's an ontology of understanding). It involves the level of semantics, the level of reflection, and the existential level. The Ricoeur's phenomenological hermeneutic can be applied to interpret the symbol, text, and homolog text-action-history. In addition to the text hermeneutic, Ricoeur's phenomenological hermeneutics achieves his ideas peak and shows his creativity of idea. %D 2007 %K Hermeneutika-fenomenologi, pemacaan simbol, pembacaan teks-aksi-sejarah %L digilib8508