%A - JUWARIYAH %J Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol 1, No. 2, Agustus 2003-Januari 2004 %T CIRI-CIRI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM TRADISIONAL: POTRET KEHIDUPAN PESANTREN DI PULAU JAWA %X As an Islamic educational institution, the exiztance of Pesantren arised from Islamic preaching broadcasting carried art by ulama. Its past and present with all development the names adhered to it, pesantren remain different from other educational institutionary ardless of the foet that basically both have some similavities. As its teaching initialy starts in mosque, pesantren puts emphasis on internalizing Islamic doctrine w-hich later on becomes the basis for building a roble character in the development ofummah. The main difference between pesantren and other institution is that other institution has a direct orientation toward market, while pesantren has its orienation toward implanting spiritual values which is apperenthy more oriented toward God. Therefore, it is justiviable to compere and contrast these two district educational institution so as to find art similavities and differences. %D 2003 %K Pendidikan antara realitas dan idealitas %L digilib8535