%A - MUHAMMAD YUSRI, FM %J Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol 3, No. 2, Juli-Desember 2008 %T PRINSIP PENDIDIKAN MULTIKULTURALISME DALAM AJARAN AGAMA-AGAMA DI INDONESIA %X In a pluralistic society, like Indonesia, the discourse of religion and multiculturalism is always challenging. Religious diversity could create either conflict or harmony, depending on how do we perceive the meaning of religious diversity and pluralism. Do we see it as social capital or social disadvantage? If religious diversity is perceived as a threat, it is possible to create tension and conflict between religions. In contrast, if it is viewed as social disadvantage it would contribute to disseminate tolerant and harmony. It is necessary therefore to strengthen the concept of multicultural education •with religious values. The author observes the concept of multicultural education from the perspective of religions. %D 2008 %K multikulturalisme, pendidikan, agama silam %L digilib8566