%A - YULIA RISWANTI %J Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol 3, No. 2, Juli-Desember 2008 %T URGENSI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM MEMBANGUN MULTIKULTURALISME %X Indonesia is a diverse society, either in terms of social, ethnics, or religions. This diverse social reality is possible to produce either conflict or harmony, depending on how to manage such diversity. The author argues that multicultural education can be employed as a means to maintain social harmony within pluralistic society. She further argues that Islamic education could be used as a medium to develop multicultural consciousness, underground that Islam contains basic values —such as equity, justice, freedom, and tolerant—that support for the existence of pluralistic and diverse society. These values should be taught and internalized within pupil from the earlier childhood. %D 2008 %K urgensi, multikulturalisme, pendidikan %L digilib8567