%0 Journal Article %A SABARUDIN , - %D 2009 %F digilib:8573 %J Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol 4, No. 1, Januari-Juni 2009 %K democracy, pesantren, leadership, kyai %T PESANTREN DAN DEMOKRATISASI (STUDI PERGULATAN PESANTREN NURUL UMMAH DALAM MEWUJUDKAN NIUAI-NILAI KEBEBASAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8573/ %X This article observes the relation between pesantren and democracy. Generally speaking, pesantren is viewed as traditional Islamic boarding school that is exclusive and un-democratic. This impression comes to existence due to the tendency of monopoly of leadership by Kiai, a founding father and owner of pesantren. However, in line with social transformation and the expansion of science and technology, and the interaction of pesantren with higher education, such impression is no longer exist. Negative impression that pesantren is undemocratic Islamic educational institution or democracy is not easy to be compromised to pesantren is not always true. This articles aims to show that pesantren has changed; it gives room for freedom of expression and participation, either through process of learning in class or social life out of class.