relation: title: EDUTAINMENT ON THE ACTIVE LEARNING MENGGAIRAHKAN KELAS DAN MENGEMBANGKAN PARTISIPASI MAHASISWA creator: HAMRUNI , - subject: Kependidikan Islam Jurnal description: To learn something we//, students need to hear it, see it, ask questions about it, and discuss it with others. Above all, they need to do it: figure things out by themselves, come up with examples, try out skills, and do assignments that depend on the knowledge they already have or must acquire. Learning is not an automatic consequence of pouring information into a student's head. It requires the learner's own mental involvement and doing. Explanation and demonstration, by themselves, will never lead to real, lasting learning. Only learning that is active will do this. When learning is active, students do most of the work. They use their brains studying ideas, solving problems, and applying what they learn. Active learning is fast-paced, fun, supportive, and personally engaging. Often, students are out of their seats, moving about and thinking aloud. Active Learning brings together in one source a comprehensive collection of instructional strategies. It includes ways to get students active from the start through activities that build teamwork and immediately get them thinking about the subject matter. There are also techniques for conducting full-class learning and small-group learning, stimulating discussion and debate, practicing skills, prompting questions, and even getting the students to teach each other. They are designed to enliven classroom. Some are a lot of fun and some are downright serious, but they all are intended to deepen learning and retention. date: 2003-07-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: HAMRUNI , - (2003) EDUTAINMENT ON THE ACTIVE LEARNING MENGGAIRAHKAN KELAS DAN MENGEMBANGKAN PARTISIPASI MAHASISWA. Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol.1 No.1 Februari-Juli 2003.