%A - M. JAMROH LATIEF %J Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol.1 No.1 Februari-Juli 2003 %T PROFIL GURU AGAMA DALAM KONTEKS KURIKULUM BERBASIS KOMPETENSI (KBK) %X This article talking about change and curriculum development, called competency based curriculum. This curriculum will peform in 2003/2004 in every variety and scale of education, there are elementry, secondary, and higher education. Competency based curriculum prosecute change of teacher paradigm, espiacially in learning process. This is important due to teacher who have directly respondbility to apply it. Teacher qualification in competency based curriculum mean the teacher not only have 10 profesional basic ability due to claim of curriculum 1994, but also understand: (1) spirit of curriculum *non scholaesed vitae discimus", (2) to apply leaning process with education and entertainment approxim action, and (3) teacher pay attention to student personality. %D 2003 %K guru,kualifikasi guru, KBK, implementasi KBK. %L digilib8583