%A - ICHSAN %J Jurnal Mukaddimah Vol XV, No 26, Januari-Juni 2009 %T PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS PERBEDAAN INDIVIDUAL %X Learning based on different indivudial aims to make students get amaximal value, increase the eficiene to learn interest and attitude of student for learning matters. The characteristic of class that do the learning based on different individual are,: 1) identify the prerequsit, 2) make same test to assest developt and get competence, 3) assest the competence of students, and 4) fo give increase (remedial, increase, and accelerasy). The different of individual, are according to: intelligent, interest, attitude, personality and the style of learning. This different of individual is infleuced bynature and culture. For students, who has not get competence, they will be remedial, where as, for students who has get it, they will be given some increasing, and for students who get a best competens, they will be accelerasy. %D 2009 %K Perbedaan individual, layanan, ketuntasan belajar %L digilib8622