@article{digilib8624, month = {June}, title = {PENDIDIKAN PROFESI GURU: HARAPAN DAN TANTANGAN}, author = {- ZAMAKHSARI }, year = {2009}, journal = {Jurnal Mukaddimah Vol XV, No 26, Januari-Juni 2009}, keywords = {Professional Education of Teachers, curriculum, teaching learning process, and certification}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8624/}, abstract = {Teacher certification program is mandated by law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System. The Program expected to produce professional teachers. There are two ways of the program such asportofolio assessment and education. Beginning in 2009, the government implements the certification procedure for the determination of graduation education teachers with the teaching profession. Every person who wants to become a teacher, has to take Professional Education of Teachers. The teacher condition must be followed already well educated SI backgrounds, educational and non educational. Due to different backgrounds, it should be. curriculum and the learning process can not be equated, especially when viewed from the subjects of interest. Professional Education of Teachers will be successful if the curriculum noticed 1) Competency Standards Graduates, 2) initial capacity of participants, and 3) the needs of each group of participants. In addition, the learning system uses the principles of 1) learning by doing, 2) active learners, 3) higher order thinking, 4) the impact of accompaniment, 5) periodic reversal mechanism, 6) utilization of information technology, and contextual learning.} }