@article{digilib8625, month = {June}, title = {WAKAF TUNAI PRODUKTIF}, author = {- FAJARHIDAYANTO }, year = {2009}, journal = {Jurnal Mukaddimah Vol XV, No 26, Januari-Juni 2009}, keywords = {Cash waqaf, Islamic public finance, charity, resource funding, productive activities}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8625/}, abstract = {The cash waqfis one of Islamic economic instrument to collect charity fund from the society to be used for public interest, but this potencial charity resource fund is not benefited by Indonesian Moslems optimally yet, especially in the are of productive economic activities. Contrary with other Islamic countries like Egypt, Jordan and Bangladesh that improved it to develop their productive economic activities to alleviate poverty from their country. The cash waqafis new waqf mechanism to save property from individual interest to be used for public interest in order to gaining ridlo of Allah. One of Cash Waqf character is making people easy and cheaply to do waqf, because the people can buy waqf sertificate as akhirat investment depend on their ability based on their intention. This mechanism makes unrich man possible to do waqf.} }