%A - SUPARJO %J Jurnal Mukadimah Vol.XV, No.27 Juli 2009 %T TRANSFORMASIKEBERAGAMAAN TOKOH NASIONAL INDONESIA (PERSPEKTIF SOSIO-HISTORIS ATAS TERBENTUKNYA NEGARA INDONESIA) %X Indonesia is a portrait ofpluralistic country. Its people have diversity ofbackground, i.e. customs, traditions, cultures, ethnics, and religions. However, they successfidly built a govemment oflndonesia with its pluralistic system ofnational lifeformulted as PancasUa and 1945 Constitution. This paper intends to elaborate the key success of national leaders to build an independent Govemment oflndonesia in 1945. Especially, it is concerned with their attitude to sit and work together along with their diversity ofreligious background. %D 2009 %K identitas nasional, identitasprimordial, teologi global, dan pluralitas keagamaan %L digilib8630