%0 Journal Article %A KHANIIM ZARKASIH PUTRO , - %D 2009 %F digilib:8631 %J Jurnal Mukadimah Vol.XV, No.27 Juli 2009 %K virasN-Ach,Al Qur'an,Achievement,Agama %T VIRUS N-ACH DALAM AL-QUR'AN: DORONGAN BERPRESTASIBERBASIS AGAMA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8631/ %X Achievement is a part of human need. lt is exist in every human being as a need, achievemeni can be the energy pushing someone to reach high standart in working quality. David McClelland, a psichologist, has a theory about this need. lt is a theory of needfor achievement. According to him, the need ofachievement are different in every person, someone has high need, other lower event very tow. It depends on manyfactors, such as: experience, knowledge, culture, natives, economy and so on. What about Qur 'an 7 Does Qur 'an discuss about the need ofachievement? Ofcourse, Qur'an appreciates this need well. Qur'an has many verse discuss it, such as Ar Ra'ad, 13: ll, Alam Nasyrah, 94: 7 and many other verse. The verses tell that if someone needs to achieve great working, he must have motivation topush his action strongly. In short needs a strong motivation too. Al Qur 'an gives description that great achievement needs a strong motive and hard action. The result is equal nith the action. In the mean time, need ofachievement is include by manyfactors. Such as: education process, wetherfamily education or comtnunity education. Meanwhile, the process to achieve maximum goal can come from many works. Those are: face to challenging goals make high standart and discipline schedule, using the experiences to make it better in thefuture, and other works that make successful goal.