%A - MUQOWIM %J Jurnal PAI Vol.1 No.1 Mei-Oktober 2004 %T MENGGAGAS PENDIDIKAN ISLAM TRANSFORMATIF UPAYA MEWUJUDKAN KESADARAN PROFETIK DALAM PENDIDIKAN %X This article tries to offer a paradigm shift of Islamic education from the conventional pattern to the transformative one. At least it is based on three considerations. Firstly, the existing practice of Islamic education had so misled from its main mission that the learning process tends to be monotone, indoctrinative, teacher-centered, mechanical, verbalic, and cognitive. Secondly, the learning process either in the schooling or in the family, more and kss, has role informing the students'personality to behave exclusively and radically. Thirdly, Islamic education does not realize the characteristics of Islamic spirituality yet, such as liberative, emancipative, as well as transcendental. Based on the arguments, the transformative Islamic education is oriented to back the raison d'etre of education, as a process to transform students and society from the bad style to the better one through all components of education, like curriculum, learning strategy, teacher, evaluation, learning sources, and milieu. It is hoped that through this process every student has prophetic consciousness, so that he is able to give alternative solution to the problems in society. %D 2004 %K perubahan paradigma, pendidikan trans formatif, kesadaran profetik (liberasi, cmansipasi, transendensi) %L digilib8659