%0 Journal Article %A SUKIMAN , - %D 2004 %F digilib:8664 %J jurnal PAI vol 1 no 2 2004 %K Arah, pendidikan agama Islam, dan pluralisme agama %T ARAH PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM PADA ERA PLURALISME AGAMA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8664/ %X Indonesia is a plural country which permits some religion to live side by side. It is improbable for people to oppose the pluralism. To face this fact, open religious attitude, tolerance and comprehending one another are relevant to be developed in Indonesia. How someone harmonises these should be performed first in such a way that pluralism does not lead every adherent of a certain religion to conclude and confess that the only true religion is one which he adheres and that all religions are exactly the same. Education of Islamic religion (P-AI) as resuscitation of people has such a strategic role that it ml inculcate the open religious attitude, tolerance and respecting one another. So far Education of Islamic Religion is more emphasise on the vertical or ritual aspects. This brief article mean to study critically how attitude of pluralism must be developed in the context of religious pluralism and how education of Islamic religion (P-AI) has to be reformatted.