@article{digilib8673, month = {January}, title = {PARADIGMA BAKU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA DITENGAH PLURALISME BUDAYA}, author = {- KHAYAN }, year = {2004}, journal = {jurnal PAI vol 1 no 2 2004}, keywords = {pendidikan agatna, paradigma inklusif, pendidikan multikultural}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8673/}, abstract = {In the context of pluralistic Indonesia, religious education has to play an important role in cultivating the students with inclusive paradigm that more contextual, tolerance, respect to others, and able to live together. Accordingly, the exclusive paradigm has to be replaced by the new one, because the former tends to think in rigid, intolerance and dichotomous way. Therefore, learning process should be led to implant ethic dan morality. Religious knowledge should be directed to be functional in daily life. As such, it is needed a religious education in the light of multicultural perspective.} }