%A - YUNIFAH RETNOWATI %J Jurnal PAI Vol 4 No 2 2009 %T KREATIVITAS GURU DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI TAMAN PENITIPAN ANAK AISYIYAH BLAWONG TRIMULYO JETIS BANTUL YOGYAKARTA %X Teacher’s creativities on teaching are the important aspect to bring into existence of education purposes. In this context, a teacher not only actually engaged in one’s regular work but he must evaluates the result of teaching also. And the other hands, a teacher asserted to develop creativity in all times during he teachs, especially in exapanding mater and method. This paper discusses several problems; such as how did to create and develop a teacher creativity in TPA Blawong, and wat did its contribution to gain of Islamic education purposes. Based on the data of research a teacher creativity in TPA BLawong focused on teaching skill and developing the media, teaching method and evaluation aspect. The main problem of teacher creativity developing in TPA Blawong were differences basic and experiences of teacher in teaching skill. %D 2009 %K Kreativitas guru, pembelajaran PAI, dan taman penitipan anak. %L digilib8679