%A - MUFIDATUL HASANAH %J Jurnal PAI Vol 4 No 2 2009 %T PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK ANAK PRASEKOLAH DI LINGKUNGAN KELUARGA PENGURUS DAERAH SALIMAH PURWOREJO %X This writing tries to describe the moral education of the pre-school children of the provincial executors of Salimah, in Purworejo, as reply to the two questions, namey (1) how was the moral education of the pre-school in their home?, and (2) what are supporting positive factors? And what are negative factors hindering? Answers to both questions are: firstly, moral education of the preschool children has characteristics as follows: what to teach is moral to God, parents, brothers, and friends. Methods used are telling story, examples, customizing, understanding, and case-study. Secondly, some factors hindering moral education are mother’s dominant characters and target-achievement, families who do not have the same vision and mission in teaching their children. While the factors supporting it are cooperation of both parents, easy to gain the teaching media, and given the programs not offered at the television. %D 2009 %K Pendidikan Akhlaq, Anak Pra Sekolah, Lingkungan Keluarga %L digilib8685