relation: title: PEMBERDAYAAN MADRASAH DALAM MENGHADAPI ERA GLOBALISASI creator: SUTRISNO , - subject: Pendidikan Agama Islam Jurnal description: This artick tries to expkre the empowerment of Isiamic school @Aadrasab)forfasing ghbaK%ation era. Theproblem that will be solved here is ttw does empower madrasahfor fasingglobali%ation era?' This artick comes to the conclusions tbatMadrasah can be empowered by many vays. First of all, leader of Madrasah must beprofessional, eat kast he|she must be master ofeducation management. Second, the teachers ofMadrasah must be master in their sttbject matter, master of matematic teaching, master of lsfamic teaching, master of EngMsh teacbing, masteroflndonesian teaching, etc. Thirth, studentsofMadrasahAtiyah must be cfassifiedinto three dassijication to manage them asgoodaspossibk, students n>ho n>ant to contiue their study to university, students who yant continue their study to mlkdge, and students wbo do not want to continue their study. publisher: Jurusan PAI Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan date: 2005-01-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed identifier: SUTRISNO , - (2005) PEMBERDAYAAN MADRASAH DALAM MENGHADAPI ERA GLOBALISASI. Pendidikan Agama Islam, Vol. 2 (No. 1). ISSN 2502-2075